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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 1151 до 1200.
- Peripheral vertex
- Periphery
- Permutation graph
- Persistence problem
- Petal of a flower
- Petersen graph
- Petersen hypernet
- Petri graph
- Petri net with place capacities
- Petri net with priorities
- Petri net with waiting
- Pfafian orientation of a graph
- Phrase-structure grammar
- Phylogeny digraph
- Phylogeny graph
- Phylogeny number
- Place
- Planar embedding of a graph
- Planar graph
- Planar matroid
- Planar tree
- Planar triangulation
- Planarity criteria
- Plane graph
- Plane map
- Plane numbering
- Plane triangulation
- Plex
- Point-covering number
- Point-tree hypergraph
- Point spectrum
- Polar graph
- Pole
- Polygonal tree
- Polyhedral graph
- Polyhedron graph
- Polynomial algorithm
- Polynomial expression of the stability function
- Polynomial graph inclusion problem
- Polynomial transformation
- Polytop graph
- Pontrjagin-Kuratowski's criterion
- Poset
- Position tree
- Post-condition
- Postdomination
- Postdominator
- Postdominator tree
- Potential liveness of transitions problem
- Potentially live transition